Department of Biomedical Engineering arranged a Final year tour for final year students of the 2019 session. The tour was led by SIr Adnan Rauf to Hunza. It was a 5-day trip from 18 March till 22 March 2023. More than 20 students went there to take a break from their studies and make memories with the class.

Recreational trips are important for students for a variety of reasons, as they offer numerous benefits to their personal, social, and educational development. They are important for:

  1. Experiential Learning: Recreational trips provide students with hands-on, real-world experiences that cannot be replicated in a traditional classroom setting. These experiences can enhance their understanding of various subjects, cultures, history, and nature.
  2. Cultural Exposure: Traveling to different places exposes students to diverse cultures, traditions, languages, and customs. This exposure fosters cultural awareness, tolerance, and appreciation for differences.
  3. Personal Growth: Recreational trips often involve challenges and stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Students may learn to overcome fears, adapt to new situations, and build resilience, which contributes to their personal growth and self-confidence.
  4. Social Development: Traveling with peers and teachers provides students with opportunities to build strong friendships, improve teamwork skills, and develop effective communication and interpersonal skills.
  5. Stress Relief: Breaks from regular academic routines help reduce stress levels among students. Recreation and leisure activities during trips offer relaxation and a chance to recharge, leading to improved mental well-being.
  6. Inspiration and Creativity: Exposure to new environments, cultures, and experiences can stimulate creativity and inspire students to think outside the box. They may return from trips with fresh perspectives and new ideas.
  7. Enhanced Knowledge: Visiting historical sites, museums, and natural landmarks can deepen students’ understanding of subjects like history, geography, science, and art, making learning more tangible and memorable.
  8. Environmental Awareness: Trips to natural locations promote awareness of environmental issues and the importance of conservation. Students develop a greater sense of responsibility toward the environment and its preservation.
  9. Appreciation of Heritage: Recreational trips often include visits to heritage sites and monuments, allowing students to appreciate their own heritage and historical significance.
  10. A break from Technology: Recreational trips offer a chance to disconnect from digital devices and social media, encouraging students to engage more with the real world and the people around them.
  11. Boosting Curiosity: Experiencing new places and activities can pique students’ curiosity and encourage them to explore and learn more independently.

Here are some glimpses of it.